A nice sized lamb in the foreground

Sheep for Sale

Please contact us for natural fall-born lambs,
as well as accelerated and aseasonal lambs yearround.

The Glenrose Farms Dorset sheep flock is a natural fall lambing (aseasonal), accelerated, and strong multiples producing flock that raise their own multiples. Our ewes hold up very well under the accelerated schedule with minimal grain on good hay and have adapted to grass in SW Virginia very easily.

Our ewes are predominantly naturally accelerated (lambing every 6-9 months) and aseasonal (lambing out of season without aid of hormone therapy). They lamb without assistance and are reproductively and structurally sound.

The flock is also footrot free. We have very healthy senior ewes maintaining their weight on grass so I believe the flock to be OPP and Johnes free, as well. Serology testing can be arranged.


Please contact us about sheep for sale at info@glenrosefarms.com